Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fieldwork Day 5

Slept in - resting my knee,but it still hurts!

AM weight -220 (ok, I over did on seconds for dinner last night)
treadmill - no out of time, and don't want to aggravate my knee

significant chore: Nick's birthday - gotta make a cake
exploration: no specific plans (today is one of those survival days)

Fieldwork report: Today was quite painful. I count myself lucky to have just gotten through the day. I tried to visit the doctor after work, but had to make an appointment for next Monday after school. As a bit of good news, the battery charge on the car "took", so I had wheels today. I had Ronni make Nick's cake, and we just had leftovers for dinner. Nick was ok with that - and thanked me for the Director's chair frame I bought him.
My knee felt better after laying down and resting for awhile.
I guess my "reach out to the world" thing today was in phone calls. I received a phone call from an old friend who lives in Tennessee. I'd been thinking about her lately, so it was fun to hear her voice on the phone. She has a daughter that I want to introduce to my son -- but the reality of that happening we both know is slim. It was great to catch up and to know a good friend is doing fine in the world. Later in the evening I called my brother-in-law to wish him Happy Birthday. He is always fun to talk to. As a former radio host, he has a quick wit. We bantered a bit and my mood lifted.
I helped Ron chose a birthday gift for Nick (so it was kind of like giving Nick 2 things - except one is in Ron's name) Bought a birthday card for my Brother-in-law and a sympathy card for my sister-in-law (inside joke).
Wrecking the journal, not tonight. I've wrecked my knee enough - I don't want any more destruction right now. (though last night's page burning was rather interesting. I'll post a phote when I can find the camera and transfer cable.)

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